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🍂 Release 154 🍂

Release date: 12th of September 2024

Written by DeepStream Support
Updated over a week ago

We’re excited to announce Release 154.0, packed with powerful new features and key improvements to streamline your sourcing process. In this release, we’re introducing the ability to group requirements into lots, a redesigned supplier experience, and enhanced award scenarios for more flexible request outcomes. Alongside these major updates, we’ve implemented valuable improvements across the platform, including smarter feedback collection and bug fixes to ensure smoother operations.

Check out all the details below and enjoy the enhanced capabilities!

📦 Requests – Lots

This feature will be rolled out on a client-by-client basis for newly issued requests only.

  • Group requirements into lots that suppliers can bid on and be awarded individually.

  • Each lot can have a name and description, with sections of the request assigned to specific lots.

  • Suppliers can bid or decline on each lot individually and will only need to complete requirements for the lots they bid on.

  • Sections marked as “general requirements” will be required for all suppliers, regardless of the lots they bid on.

😎 Requests – Improved Supplier Experience

This feature will be rolled out on a client-by-client basis for newly issued requests only.

  • Completely redesigned experience for suppliers and for buyer-side supplier bid pages.

  • Structure now includes a hierarchy navigated via links and breadcrumb navigation to enhance clarity.

  • Requirements are split into separate stages, making it easier to understand what’s needed at each step.

  • New statuses clarify completion and bidding at a more granular level for each stage and lot.

  • The interface features more descriptive text for improved ease of use.

  • All existing features remain fully supported in this new experience.

🔠 Requests – Award Scenarios

This feature will be rolled out on a client-by-client basis for newly issued requests only.

  • Buyers can now indicate award scenarios such as “Request-level award,” “Lot-level award,” “Line-level award,” or “No award.”

  • Option to use split-line award, allowing buyers to split quantities of individual line items between two or more suppliers (for “Line-level award” only).

  • Suppliers will see a new “Award Summary” page, clearly outlining the specific scope of their award and any related messages from the buyer.

🏆 Improved Award Flow

This feature will be rolled out on a client-by-client basis for newly issued requests only.

  • A redesigned, full-screen award flow offers even more flexibility.

  • Supports all new award scenarios, allowing more accurate representation of request outcomes and cost/savings calculations.

  • Enhanced flexibility for messaging suppliers, including the option to send default or personalized messages to all suppliers, regardless of their status.

📥 Requests → Contract Import Supports New Award Scenarios

This feature will be rolled out on a client-by-client basis for newly issued requests only.

  • Importing request content into contracts now supports new award scenarios.

  • Only awarded line items or general requirements will be available for import, based on the specific award scenario.

  • Split-award line items will import with the awarded quantities and default to a reset state, requiring supplier reconfirmation.

💬 Improved Supplier Request Feedback

  • A new feedback process enables suppliers to rate their satisfaction after a request concludes.

  • A feedback email will link to a public page where suppliers can rate the request and provide optional comments.

  • Customer satisfaction will be measured internally on an ongoing basis.

Small Improvements

  • [Requests] Added a “Comments” field to all comparison view CSV reports, showing all comments sent and received during an exchange.

  • [Requests] Added the weighted score % field to the evaluation CSV report in the comparison view.

  • [Requests] The end date of auction stages will now appear on the “Received” page table of requests.

  • [Requests] Removed the current formula field from the line item formula field configuration modal to prevent errors.

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • [Requests] Fixed an issue with downloading the basic line items comparison CSV.

  • [Requests] Corrected the supplier dropdown on the “Suppliers” tab of draft requests and templates to close properly when clicking outside.

  • [Requests] Ensured the “Supplier status table” CSV report contains correctly localized field names.

These updates are designed to boost your efficiency and improve your workflow. Enjoy the new features, and as always, we look forward to your feedback!

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