📄 “All request data” grid view in “Reporting” module
New view on the “Requests” dashboard - a grid which shows as much request data as possible.
Columns will cover a variety of data on requests including - Status; Overview; Users; Dates of Creation, Issue, and Award; Stage names and deadlines; Spend and savings; and more...
The usual grid controls will be available to enable filtering, sorting, and hiding columns – users can adjust the view to answer their own questions using their DeepStream request data.
User configuration will be persisted locally so this remains consistent when leaving the page and returning.
Expanded view is available to see the grid in full screen for more space.
The usual high-level reporting controls allow adjusting currency and (for parent companies and super users) aggregating data across all child companies.
Note – the view is not yet exportable but this is coming soon.
🌟 Grid improvements
Columns in the buyer-side “Suppliers” grid view can now be resized. Configured column sizes will be stored locally so that they persist when users navigate
Improve grid header cell styles to show a highlighted color so users can better locate where selected cells are in the grid.
Improvement for tooltips on grids to ensure that they only render where content in a cell is actually truncated.
Other small improvements
Make “Can edit” permission for request “Messages” page available for users with a company role of “Authorised Stakeholder”
Improvements to ensure better support for larger, more complex requests.