🏛️ Company hierarchy and reporting
On request via the Customer Success team, a parent company can now be associated with 1 or more child companies.
Once the relationship is established, aggregated reporting metrics will be shown on the “Reporting” page for super users of a parent company only.
These metrics will be aggregated across the parent company and all children by default.
A filter dropdown will allow adjustments to show data for any child company individually or any combination of parent and/or child companies.
🐛 Bug fixes and improvements
[Requests] Fix to ensure that the “No” field of bulletins does not change when new bulletins are added. Bulletins are numbered incrementally according to the date/time they were first added and this number should not change.
[Requests] Fix to ensure that multi-stage line item config appears but in a disabled state in the context of a revision where multi-stage line items cannot be enabled because of the current state of the request.
[Requests] A prettier filename is now used for the generated Excel file in the “Submit line items with Excel” feature.
[Requests] Fix for an issue which could cause a blank page to show where a user opens an auction tab without permissions rather than a page explaining that they cannot access.
[Contracts] Fix for an issue which could cause a crash where a user’s role is upgrade to super user and they try to access a contract.
[Requests] Fix for an issue which could cause an error where the award request flow is initiated shortly after a request deadline has passed.