Requests – Suppliers table improvements
The suppliers table has had a complete overhaul to make it more flexible and useful than ever. Dynamic views, additional fields, and a host of configurable features will allow you to build your own view of the table to answer your most important questions on how a request is progressing.
👀 Views
Use views to organise the suppliers table according to what you need to see.
There’s now a “Views” button at the left of the table to allow switching between different views.
Each view shows your supplier request data from a particular focus.
The suppliers table no longer uses tabs but you can group suppliers by a particular field, such as “Current stage” or “Bid status” so you can easily see all suppliers at once and how they are progressing through the request.
You’ll see default views based on how you have configured the request, such as
By current stage - suppliers are grouped per stage so you can see how suppliers are progressing
By lot - suppliers status against each lot is shown so you can see who it bidding on each lot of the request
By bid status - suppliers are grouped by their bid status so you can see who is bidding on the overall request
Auction - suppliers in the auction stage are shown with their bidding agreement status and latest bid so you can see how the auction is progressing.
...and more
An additional “My view” is provided with no configuration applied so you can make this view your own.
Any changes you make to a view will be stored and will persist, but note that these changes are personal to you and not shared with your team.
Hiding columns
Hide 1 or more data columns to focus on what matters to you.
Easily hide or show all with a single click.
Use the “Defaults” button to revert to the default configuration for the view.
Apply filters covering every field of the suppliers table, so you can easily narrow your focus to suppliers who fit your unique criteria.
Where suppliers are omitted from the table because of your filter criteria, an indicator will show at the bottom of the table so you can remove the filter if you wish.
🔀 Sort by single or multiple criteria
Add an ascending or descending sort on any field of the table.
You can even apply lower-level sorts to further organise the table and quickly find the suppliers you need.
☀️ Other changes
Quickly apply a sort, filter, and hide based on a field using the dropdown icon in each field header.
Right-click (or equivalent) anywhere on a supplier row to select the supplier and show a context menu of available actions based on your selection. You can even right click on multiple selected rows to quickly take an action.
The “Move to next stage” action can now move selected suppliers into their next stage even where the suppliers are in different stages. The confirmation popup will clarify which suppliers are moving between each stage based on the selection.
Stage approvals and internal documents still function the same way but are decoupled from the suppliers table - on creating an approval or document you’ll see new a new field to choose which stage is applicable.
The suppliers CSV report now includes all columns and fields available in the updated grid view. Please note that the CSV will always include all fields and will not dynamically reflect the configuration of the table.
📄 New request messages report
A new single report can be generated from the “Messages” page which is designed to allow all messaging data associated with a single request (including files) to be exported at once.
The report is a zip archive containing
Excel report
Associated file uploads
The Excel report is nicely formatted including frozen rows/columns, considered text formatting, and separate sheet for each message exchange type - “Bulletins”, “Clarifications”, and “Chat”.
Each sheet of the report will provide fields covering all messages data, including all comments, activity and file names.
The report can be generated in 2 ways
A consolidated report containing data for all suppliers in a single Excel, with associated files organised into folders per supplier.
Separate reports with individual folders for each supplier containing a single Excel file and the associated files relating to the specific supplier only.
The existing Clarifications CSV report has been deprecated and is no longer available because all data from it is now available in this new format.
🐛 Bug fixes and small improvements
[Requests] Messages pages for Clarifications and Chats now use the updated grid component with better layout, performance and responsiveness.
[Requests] Fix to present an issue which could cause the “Submit Line items with Excel” flow to show blank data and prevent upload.
[Pre-q] Fixed an issue which could cause a notification not to be sent where a DeepStream admin adds a user to a pre-qualification questionnaire.
[Pre-q] Removed restriction on users to allow a recipient user who has an “Authorised stakeholder” role at the company level to have any role on a pre-qualification questionnaire.
[Requests] Fixed an issue which could cause incorrect translation keys to appear in the “README” file within a bulk zip download if the user’s language is set to anything other than English.
[Requests] Fix for an issue which could cause the buyer-side evaluation page to be blank in some scenarios where the request is revised and contains linked line items.
General fix to ensure that navigation forward or back is suppressed when the user scrolls on the grid component left or right using a mouse wheel or equivalent interaction.
[Requests] Fix to ensure a request awarded notification email is always sent even when the old award flow is used.
[Requests] Fix to ensure the grid header does not appear on top of the navigation and tab bar as the page is scrolled up.